Monday Vibes

Obedient women do not make history.
F*** diets, fall in love with your body instead.

Have you read how Emily can help you eat whatever you want,
feel sexy in your body, and know your worth? She'll tell you how here ...

P.S. Use the hashtag #thegreatvibesguide for anything that makes you feel like doing the happy dance or expressing your imperfectly perfect self.

P.S.S. Did you know you get a free free Great Vibes Guide & grocery store printable when you sign up for The Newsletter? >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

P.S.S.S. Have you checked out all of the
other places Emily's spreading the Great Vibes?

Be the Best Version of Yourself || 11.25.14

'Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.' ~Dr. Seuss

Especially during the holidays, we just need to be ourselves. Be it single or in a relationship, slender or overweight, sad or happy, rejuvenated or exhausted, we just need to be ourselves. Let all the weight of others' expectations fall away and breathe in your own skin. Allow yourself to breathe and be breathed by the joy of the season. There is no need to stress. Just be the best versions of yourselves in this crazy maze of life. Let Aunt Whatsis and Uncle Whosis have their peace -- answer their questions with honor and integrity, being proud of who you are, what you do, and how you live your life. And remember to always love. Love yourself and love others for all that they are and all they have become. We strive so much to project the perfect persona onto others -- unnecessary as all that we must do is find comfort within ourselves. A hard task but incredibly worthwhile.

Will you own exactly who you are this holiday season?



Love Love Love || 11.4.14

I am worthy of love. I find love all around me. I am love.

No doubt, just love. Fill yourself with the magnanimous desire to scream from the rooftops and jump up with glee. Silly? Perhaps. Childlike? Of course. Necessary? Not a doubt in my mind. Love love love love love. Maybe you say the word aloud, or write it furiously in a notebook. Maybe you tattoo it into your skin, or whisper it until it sounds right. Whatever you do, just make space to find love today, in every moment, every second, everywhere.

How will you express your love today?

