Be Willing || 12.02.14

"Yoga is not for the flexible. It's for the willing."

A lot of the time, the new and unknown can be met with trepidation and fear. When introducing yoga to others, the first thing I hear often is that my body can't or oh I could never do this. What is holding you back? The negativity. Yes, maybe you do suffer from some nerve damage or back pain or immense heartache. Yoga can fix this. It can most certainly hurt it if you are not careful, but I believe that yoga can cure everything. That and some leafy greens of course ; - ). But really, the first muscle that needs fine tuning is the brain. Be willing to try. Given half a chance, the body will heal itself. Allow it the opportunity.

Not just in yoga, try and do this with everything fearful in your life. Be willing to tell that person that you love them; laugh so loudly the whole world hears; read books that spark your interest, not necessarily an intense conversation; love without abandon; think first with peace, and act on your thoughts; walk in your truth and be exactly who you want to be in this moment. No fear, just hope and breath and love. Just give yourself a chance. It'll be worth it, I promise.

From what have you been holding yourself back?


[click on image for link]

Be the Best Version of Yourself || 11.25.14

'Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.' ~Dr. Seuss

Especially during the holidays, we just need to be ourselves. Be it single or in a relationship, slender or overweight, sad or happy, rejuvenated or exhausted, we just need to be ourselves. Let all the weight of others' expectations fall away and breathe in your own skin. Allow yourself to breathe and be breathed by the joy of the season. There is no need to stress. Just be the best versions of yourselves in this crazy maze of life. Let Aunt Whatsis and Uncle Whosis have their peace -- answer their questions with honor and integrity, being proud of who you are, what you do, and how you live your life. And remember to always love. Love yourself and love others for all that they are and all they have become. We strive so much to project the perfect persona onto others -- unnecessary as all that we must do is find comfort within ourselves. A hard task but incredibly worthwhile.

Will you own exactly who you are this holiday season?



|| The Mermaids Mantra || 11.18.14

“I must be a mermaid...I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living.”    ― Anaïs Nin

"I must be a mermaid... I have no fear of depths and a great fear of shallow living." ~Anais Nin

I have this quote hanging beside my bed as a reminder. A reminder to be myself and not settle amid the shallowness of others. A reminder to be brave and daring and willing to escape and find the depth in other humans, in animals, and in places no one has ever been before. It doesn't have to be pretty or perfect or right. It just has to be exactly what I need in that moment. I truly do have a great fear of waking up one day and regretting what I did or who I became based on timid choices I made years before. How boring would it be not to be true and authentic to myself? I think it would be terrible to wake up and keep wondering what if. What if I just did it? What if we just went on a journey. Who cares where we end up. How we tell the story is exactly how events unfolded. We can choose if something was rotten or if it was a glorious invitation to our future. Have no fear of depth.

Be adventurous. Live life expansively and lovingly and true. Be yourself.

Plus, I've always wanted to be a mermaid. Anyone else?

