How To :: Set Your Most Bad*** Resolutions that Don't Suck

You want resolutions that don't suck in 2016, am I right? I mean I could sugar coat it and say, yes, your dreams of exercising daily, eating only "good" foods, and resisting the snooze button will finally be actualized this year. But I would be lying. And nobody likes a liar. What I can tell you is how you can set goals which will actually stick in under 10 steps. If you're too busy or tired to sit down and map it all out, there's an option for me to do it all for you - heck yeah you read that right. Without further ado (because who has time for that right now) ...

7 Tips to Resolution Success

1. Start from where you are right now ::

Listen. If you don't exercise regularly, you're not going to set and stick to the resolution of working out everyday. Nope. You won't. If you recognize where you are starting from, you will be able to set realistic goals which will get you to your idealized self. Be mindful of where you are with respect to where you want to go, and be honest with yourself. If it doesn't align with your values, it won't feel good or last, so be mindful of your own wants and needs and not those of your best friend or favorite celebrity.

2. Freaking Visualize ::

Imagine yourself in the future. What are you doing? What emotions are you feeling? What do you look like? Write down your ideal scenario.

3. Break it Down & Specify ::

The best thing you can do is take that ideal scenario, and narrow it down to a few goals to start. Taking one at a time or a couple at a time will see far greater results than creating a parallel universe for yourself and getting lost in the process. If you need help on setting goals, check out this blog post. The gist of the post is goals need to be SMART: specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and timely.

4. Write it, Write it, Write it ::

Write down your resolutions with a positive tone, with words or pictures, and keep them in a place you see often. For example: On your refrigerator, a visual with green vegetables and the words, I will eat more greens.

5. Develop a Plan ::

Set long-term & short-term goals with realistic timelines that don't make you sweat at the thought but rather glow with excitement.

6. Think Obstacles ::

Don't fear road blocks. Plan for them. Expect setbacks with an open mind, and recognize it wouldn't be life without them. You have the option to give or not give them power.

7. Make it Happen & Reward Yo'self ::

Assess your progress, being willing to adjust if life gets in the way or your priorities change. Reevaluate frequently, and keep them up to date with the ever-evolving you! Don't forget to celebrate your victories with items or experiences that make you feel like a sexy bad***.

You could do all of those steps & make your New Year's Resolution profound and impactful, or you could let me do all the work for you - sounds better already, doesn't it? - with the brand new New Year, New You! Program. Not only will you be given the tools you need to get s*** done this year, you'll also have a program you can use over and over again to set and meet expectations and live a life full of Great Vibes, free of unworthiness and that "blah/gross" feeling. I got you. Starting packages at $47, run, don't walk to The Great Vibes Guide.


P.S. Did you know when you subscribe to The Newsletter you get a free Great Vibes Holiday Guide?! Do it >>>

P.S.S. Have you checked out all of the
other places Emily's spreading the Great Vibes?

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I'm so excited and honored to share my new collaboration with Karlin! Have a Free Health Consultation and grab yourself a Free Plexus Slim Drink! Amazing offer until 2.28.15. No commitments necessary. Xx


It's Gonna Be a Great Year || Friday Finds || 1.2.15


We've bid adieu to an eventful year of ups and downs, highs and lows, excitement and boredom, and ushered in what feels like it's going to be an adventurous year for all of us. Where will it take us? I'm letting go of plans this year. I'm letting go of expectations and requirements. I want to live. I want to be the twenty year old that I am, and jump off cliffs, go skydiving, hike to wild heights, travel with nothing but a dollar in my pocket, stop planning everything and just live life. To me, that's complicated and impossible, so all the more reason to try it, eh? That was a little bit of Canadian in there, maybe I'll get back there this year. There is so much hope in the new year. How can we lose it half way through the year? I'm not planning on it. This year is going to be the year. I feel it, and thus it will manifest itself. I can't wait to see where it takes me -- how about you? 

What are you excited about for the New Year? What are your plans for the weekend?  xx


This airplane seat personality analysis is spot on. I'm an aisle person ;-).

Seven tips for cold writing potential employers.

The hairstyle I’ve been dreaming about but probably won’t do for awhile.

100 Notable Books of 2014.

A case for bringing vinyl back.

Be the most compelling person you know.

The beauty in remarkably polite people.

Have an excitable kind of weekend. Explore, love, hope, and be yourself. Always.

