|| Quick Tips to Surviving the Holidays || 2014




The most important thing for us as we consume our food and drinks in plenty is that we hydrate. Mostly composed of water, humans only thrive with proper hydration. Sure that extra glass of wine is great, but not when we wake up the next morning with a dry throat, cotton tongue, and fuzzy brain. Don't dismiss the extra wine (unless you really need to), just be sure to drink some water before going to bed. Proper hydration helps alleviate puffiness, dark circles under the eyes, and helps flush out excess toxins from our system --- meaning we can have all the sugar we want, right??? Water is glorious. It is good for digestion, maintaining or encouraging weight loss, optimizing kidney and liver health, alleviating headaches, and helping with our fitness goals -- even if our fitness goals include sitting on the couch and crunching up for more food. If plain water is super boring for you, add a little cut up fruit, maybe some lemon, or some herbs like parsley or peppermint. Make it work for you in the best way possible so it would seem silly for you not to drink water. Cheers to your health!

 Breathe, Rest, & Move


The holidays tend to speed up our lives, so we need to remember to slow ourselves down in the process without exhaustion and sickness beating us to it first. Three pieces, movement, breath, and rest, are key to staying mentally positive, body positive, and filled with spirit rather than doubt. These are especially helpful during the holidays when it is easy to forget the true purpose of the season. [breathe] When we focus on our breathing, we allow whatever happening around us to simply happen. Life will exist around us without impacting us in any way. During the holidays, family, expenses, and personal image can be overwhelming stressors; we feel exhausted and wrung out by the end of each day, we cannot get past the cost or what so-and-so just said, and no matter what is eaten or not eaten, it gets called into question. Here, there are two paths. We can succumb to the overwhelm and allow ourselves to become run down and unable to focus. Or we can admit that we need five minutes to ourselves, and take that time to breathe. I'll take the latter, please. When we take even just five seconds to deeply breathe with intention, the chaos in our mind and our surroundings can dissipate, even if for only a moment.

I invite you, when you are most frazzled and stressed, to breathe deeply. Inhale for a count of four, hold your breath in for a count of four, and exhale for a count of four, holding your breath out for a count of four. Repeat this three times (or more or less depending on the time you have allowed yourself). Notice how it's a lot easier to breathe and move now that you have recentered. [rest] We move a lot during the holidays; shopping for food and gifts on sale; running around picking up relatives; last minute decorating; our days are filled with non-traditional movement. It can be easy to add on more tasks, especially with year-end deadlines, in addition to extra workouts or appointments or dates. Just a friendly public service announcement to remember to rest. To be on your A-game, don't forget to slow down and relax a little too. Listen to music, take a nap, watch some TV, anything that allows your body to slow down.  To be on all the time does nothing but weaken the immune system and make you exhausted -- which will make you miss out on all the good stuff! [movement] In balance with rest comes a need to move healthfully during this time. Add a yoga class, a practice that includes breath, rest, and movement. If you enjoy running, take a meditative run. If you like to walk, listen to your favorite music and walk. It can be easy to get so exhausted that we get run down and then can't do anything. Physical activity can be stimulating for the mind, our metabolism, good for the heart and fun when done right. But with all of your good intention, try not to be obsessive this season with your amount of physical activity. It's okay to choose rest over movement if you are too exhausted to be present in your life. Just a little secret: You can't cancel out a piece of pie by running on the treadmill for four hours. Just enjoy yourself and exercise to feel good, not to feed guilt.

 Pace Yourself


Between holiday parties, shopping, baking, crafting, and running all over town, it can feel like this magical time of the year is a crazy uphill marathon. Rather than compete with everyone else, stay ahead of the game and pace yourself. Make lists that can be accomplished in one trip rather than fifteen separate journeys. Host a pot-luck so the baking and cooking doesn't always fall on your shoulders. Mindfully choose your holiday parties so you don't wake up exhausted every morning. Just allow yourself to go with the flow and enjoy the season! The holidays were meant to celebrate and love joyfully, not be spent out of breath and waiting for it all to be over.

 Don't search for happiness as a final goal; find joy in the small things


It's easy to have the mindset that when something happens, than happiness will follow. But what if that something never happens? Are you not allowed to be happy? Of course you're allowed to be happy! But happiness doesn't happen in an all or nothing way. Maybe dinner with your family was miserable, but that doesn't mean the whole day was terrible. Maybe you had a lovely conversation with you mom about how proud she was of you, or you were able to read a book for pleasure instead of requirement, or maybe you were able to get out in the morning for a long walk. Try to look for joy and happiness, not anger or sadness. You can find happiness, gratitude, and love anywhere you look. You just have to open yourself up to the possibility of finding it in the most unsuspecting of places.

 Believe -- in people, in the world, & in yourself


Everyone is going through this crazy hectic season in their own way. Perhaps you've encountered some grouchy spirits and angry souls along the way. Pity for them that they have blinders on for the delight of the season. But believe in them anyway. They need a little extra thought, a moment taken just for them, that encourages them even if they never hear it directly from your mouth. Believe in others for their kindness and generosity, their hospitality and their genial attitude. Maybe the holidays are a reminder of someone they held dear and are missing terribly, or maybe their financial burden is weighing so heavily on their shoulders that they don't know how to hold on any longer. Believe in them anyway. Believe in the power of the world, as it takes care of these people and allows us to live our lives as fully and lovingly as possible. Most importantly, believe in yourself. Find time to acknowledge all you are doing this season and all that you are to the world. Be proud and loving and exuberant. Allow yourself to be loved and congratulated and cared for. You deserve the best. So despite the roller coaster this season can cause, believe in yourself anyway.



Let yourself enjoy this season. There is a lot of tension in the world at the moment, the holidays exasperating this further. Just move and breathe and be open. Pop open some bubbly, grab your third slice of pie, laugh a little louder, and simply delight in the thrill of being alive and able to celebrate. Enjoy!

Happy Holiday Season!

Stay sane, breathe deeply, and love always.


[images clicked through link]

Part Two || How-To || October

Welcome to part two of this month's How-To series -- How-To Be Productive!! Couldn't tell from the picture or the title, huh? I know -- I'm so sneaky. Yesterday I kicked off the post with the two ways to jump start productivity... jump back and read Part One if you'd like. Tomorrow, I'll release the final two -- enjoy!



|| find the right caffeine for you ||

Let’s be real here – caffeine is a great way to keep us charged and on a roll when we feel tired and unmotivated. While a need for an excess of caffeine might signal to your body that it really needs some rest and recharge, in the event that you have to push through and stay chugging along, try to find some clean sources of caffeine.

Tea, like black tea or green tea, can give a great push to the system while also urging our metabolism to rev up and push us into power mode. Coffee can do the same thing, but might cause some jitters or a ‘crash’ when coming off of the caffeine high. Disregard those sugar packets in the photo above (the brunch serving platter was too pretty not to snap a picture of) -- sweeten with almond milk and some stevia if black coffee doesn't suit you. If caffeinated drinks are too much on the system, or you know you only have to push through for an extra hour and it is nearing bedtime, a great source of energy that deepens our contemplative state are back bends such as camel pose (ustrasana) or bridge pose (supta bandhasana). These postures delve deep into our central nervous system and can be incredibly energizing in a different way than caffeinated drinks.

Perhaps caffeine works for you, or maybe it does nothing but unsettle your stomach and make you jittery. Remember to do what works for you. A backbend might not be a good idea if you are experiencing back pain – listen to your body. Remember, being productive is all about you functioning at your best level. If caffeine doesn’t help with that functioning, no worries, just keep sipping that water!

|| stay current and reliable in terms of email and phone calls ||

Even though I wish this weren’t true, we have become an ‘instant’ society where sending emails or making phone calls expects an immediate and instant response. Being this person, who responds promptly and thoughtfully, can greatly increase the reputation you hold. A tip that I picked up a few weeks ago was to star each email that required attention or a quick response, and be sure to get through that list by the end of the day. If the email is being treated similar to a text, respond to it in a similar fashion, but otherwise, the list can be great to fill in the spare minutes of your day. Don’t think you have any minutes to spare? The five minutes waiting for coffee, the time waiting for a meeting to start, and the time before an appointment arrives are all examples of minutes that add up quickly! Pretty soon, emails that piled into the thousands will become a handled inbox waiting for the next one to arrive. If there is a great influx of messages, try to get the starred emails down to five, knowing that five is far more manageable the next day than not having responded to a single one in the first place. Also a great trick to make a quick message appropriate rather than abrupt is to add the footer ‘sent from iPhone’. While most of you out there will be responding using your phone, this will probably already be at the bottom, but adding it or taking it out can signal both an appreciation for time as well as an understanding of urgency.

Email has turned into another form of being available 24/7. If it helps you to turn off your email after seven and finish all of your correspondence by then, or not respond to emails over the weekend, that sounds great! Find a schedule of email attentiveness you can stick to and try and work it into your lifestyle. See if it fits. Being able to respond to emails as if they were an instant message just delivers another skill set to your resume and appearing even more so ‘on top of things’. As always, it’s okay if responding to emails right away isn’t your thing – it doesn’t make you any less of a human being.

Four down, five to go! Stay tuned for pt. III coming your way tomorrow...

UPDATE: Read Part III and be fully armed with productivity forces!

What are your thoughts so far? Do you utilize these tips already? Did any surprise you (from yesterdaytoo)?

[coffee by emily // computer picture and yoga image link when clicked]

How-To || October

Final In honor of being productive, and respecting my own time enough to create thoughtful content, I decided not to rush this post. It was originally planned to be posted in September, a month after How-To Journal was posted. But sometimes, to be most productive, we must accept that other facets of our lives take greater precedence. Researching this post has been most intriguing and especially helpful. I hope it helps you as well. There are far too many exams on my schedule and a busy holiday season going forward for us all -- maybe we're feeling the fall slow down, or we're already stressing about the end of the year so much that we are having trouble being in the present. These tips are meant for us all. This will be a mini series, as I release part one, two, and three over the next few days. Enjoy!


|| find a space that makes you feel most comfortable ||

Sometimes, when we are uncomfortable, in our sitting position or our surroundings, the work we create can be haphazard and far from our best. We might become frustrated, feeling the need to squirm around, look about, run our hands through our hair, be generally anxious, or unable to focus and unwilling to try. Our sense of unease can manifest its way in many different forms.office

At the root of the problem is often the most simple cure; we can boil down our sense of being uncomfortable to the space we have chosen to work. For me, I need to work being able to see the whole room with my back to the wall or in my own room seated at my desk. This way, I can see the flurry of activity in front of me, and zone it out almost meditatively if in a public space, or I can be honed in on one surface working on my writings and projects.

The best space for you will be one where distractions are minimized, seating is comfortable, and there is optimal surface to spread out or hold work items.

Distractions are not the same for everyone; perhaps being in a space that is loud is more feasible to work in than one that is hear-a-pin-drop quiet. A seat that is comfortable for you may be one that is extra cushiony or one that is as hard as a rock to keep you focused. Optimal surface area might be only enough for your computer or writing pad or sketch book, or it might be large enough to house post-its, pencils and markers, and books upon books upon books. Mine resembles the ladder.

The best space is one that makes you feel your best, so experiment and explore, but make that space just yours to escape to and get those work juices flowing. That way, like Pavlov’s experiment, when you sit down in this space (or stand!) than you are at your most productive.

|| stay hydrated ||

Our bodies are composed of about 70% of water. Water is so important to our functioning; in fact I’ve already planned an entire nutrition post all about water. Without water, our digestion would not be optimal and our brain cells would not operate properly. Imagine, just this liquid could make us work harder, better, and faster. howyouglow.comWater also keeps our body temperature regulated, keeping us warm or cool depending on the outside conditions. This means that you’ll be less likely to be distracted by the draft or the heat, because the core of your body will be functioning optimally and maintaining your body’s homeostasis (equilibrium controlled by physiological processes). If plain water isn’t tasty for you, try adding some lemon or fruit – but try to not add crazy flavoring packets and drops or hydrate on Gatorade, as these are filled with sugars and chemicals that will alter the cell functioning in our bodies not for the better.

Staying hydrated is optimal for brain function and staying comfortable for long periods of time. Woo! Where’s your water bottle? What does it look like?

Two down, five to go! Stay tuned for pt. II coming your way tomorrow...

UPDATE: Read Part II and Part III and pump your productivity through the roof!

What are your thoughts so far? Do you utilize these tips already? Did one surprise you?

[ink + brush by emily friend // picture links when clicked]