10 Must-Dos for Writing Thank Yous

Just a few things to keep in mind. Xx. 

It has been celebration central these past couple weeks since I graduated college, and I have been overwhelmed by the support and love of my friends and family. I wanted to send them a token of my appreciation by writing thank-you notes whether they showed up in person to my ceremony or thoughtfully sent a gift of congratulations. I know some people think snail mail is a dead art, but I find there is nothing more exciting than getting to open an unexpected piece of mail from someone I love. For this week's Weekly Niceties, I am sharing my 10 must-dos when writing thank yous...

1. Do personalize your notes, and avoid any standard formats where all you do is sign your name. 

2. Do recognize the gift - though not the amount - or sentiment. 

3. Do, if applicable, mention how you will use the gift. Here, stating the amount might be appropriate, but still avoid if possible.

4. Do send a note even if time has passed, and you feel it is too late. A late note is always better than no note in my opinion! 

5. Do be enthusiastic but also genuine. Unless it truly is the "most beautiful ____", avoid overdramatic platitudes. 

6. Do make it legible, and write in your best handwriting, either print or script. 

7. Do address it with their name, and use a signature like best, with gratitude, or love

8. Do write them in the spirit the gift or presence was given. People can smell a form letter from a mile away, which takes away from the nature of a thank you.

9. Do take your time. There is nothing worse than messing up on the last sentence, because your thoughts are faster than your hand. 

10. Do have fun! You were celebrated or thought of kindly, and that is so lovely. You're wonderful for wanting to share a little of that kindness. 

+ were these helpful? do you still write thank you notes?