Happy St. Patrick's Day! Because I love you all so much, I thought I'd share 25% off The Shop TODAY ONLY with the code STPATTYS16! It includes all items: guides, prints, and even coaching services! Woot woot!
Happy Fourth of July (early) & S A L E
/I wanted to wish everyone a Happy Fourth of July before the start of the weekend :). Remember the freedoms we are granted thanks to others sacrifice, and may we always feel safe and content within our lives and ourselves. Take this weekend to do a self check. Find where you could value more and where you really could care less. It's important to follow what makes us thrive; not what holds us back. Use your freedom wisely, ya know? I'm so blessed to be on this space, sharing what makes me so happy with all of you.
Please enjoy a 10% discount on all of my products and programs with the discount FREEDOM1 .
xx Em
+ I'm studying my hiney off and spending time with friends this weekend. How about you? Comment below or on Facebook!