This is Life - The Great Vibes Guide is Back

I got a job, lost my mind, and am finally back to say, I've survived the world so far and am back for more. Xx. 

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In August, I packed up my little Volkswagen Bug, kissed my Del on the head in my final round of goodbyes, and drove up toward NYC for a new job. I found an apartment, put together some Ikea furniture, and ultimately fell into the work hustle / zero life balance thing. 

The Great Vibes Guide has always been about the champagne popping because you made it through a Monday and the extra sprinkles in Rice Krispies because you're only you once. It's always been about the teeny tiny moments, which when strung together, make this life a life to talk about.

When The Guide began, there was no true understanding of grief or bone-harrowing loss. There weren't health problems or debating medications where yoga and meditation couldn’t be the fix. But then there was all of that and numbing exhaustion on top of it all. So for a long while, the thought of showing up here for everyone else -- since it wasn't feeling like it was for me anymore -- was ridiculous. But then I did a search on my own blog for a tip I'd written a year ago, and realized this space was more about documenting and curating a collection of sorts. 

So, The Guide is no longer about likes or shares or clicks or SEO. Because I don't have time, and frankly, I don't particularly care right now. 

It's about surviving and thriving -- whether that's after a terrible day at work or a night of doing tequila shots without drinking water. 

The Great Vibes Guide is back for us all to crack open and unravel and free ourselves from whatever limitations we’ve trapped ourselves beneath. So throw an extra olive in your martini, and let’s do this 2018 thing. Xx.

Have You Read This?

I couldn't put it down...

What are your thoughts on psychological thrillers or mysteries? If you asked me a year ago, I would roll my eyes and say no, never. I'm convinced when my friend died last year that her love of mysteries, dark twists, and intrigue passed into me. This year, I've been tearing through some amazing ones, like The Girls by Emily Cline and Black-Eyed Susans by Julia Haeberlin. I read them via eBook for free by using my library card (I've talked about it here before). I love the pace, the unreliable narration, and the rush of excitement as it gets going and secrets are exposed. 

This book. This book. I was captivated from the first page, and ended up skipping half a work day to finish it, because I couldn't get over the mystery. Two girls have gone missing from a very small town in North Carolina within the past 10 years, both under very suspicious circumstances, and the main character is wrapped into her past to uncover the truth. Told backwards, you think you have all of the information up front but that is the farthest from the truth.

One of the quotes chosen at the beginning of part three (I believe) is the philosophy that life is better lived forward but understood backwards. I couldn't agree more. I was transported not only into the storyline but also to the place I grew up in New Jersey. All the Missing Girls made me nostalgic, appreciative, and downright in love with the messy complexities of the words 'going home'.

Needless to say, I'll be eagerly awaiting more books by Megan Miranda. 

+ Read any good books lately? I'd love to know!    

9 Great Vibes Links I Love

Embracing our brand and loving our content. 

We took a nice little July 4th vacay, not posting anything new last week, in an effort to sort through some life changes happening around here. To mindfully bring ourselves back to work mode, we wanted this week to be filled with all things mental health. I think one of the best things you can do for yourself is to take inventory of all the great work you've done and be proud of those achievements, no matter how small or far away. To demonstrate this on our end, these nine links we love are a curation of some of our favorite posts on The Guide. Check out the nine GVG content links we still really love ...  
1. Going on a date any time soon? Get the Dating 101
2. Brunch in bed with The Best Bloody Mary Recipe.
3. Feeling the stress? Unwind in 19 seconds
4. Cheers to green drinks and your health. 
5. Go shopping with this Valentine's Day Gift Guide. Treat yourself.  

6. Honestly, our favorite post: healthy snacks for the office
7. Introduce someone the right way. 
8. Walk with confidence: these heels are a must-buy. 
9. It's summer, say 'cheers!' with a watermelon champagne cocktail

Happy Hump Day! Xx.