Mental Health Weekly Inspiration

Mental health is important. This week, we're trying to take care of ourselves and thought you might need to also. Xx. 


all the books

sometimes the best way to escape is curled under a blanket, sucked into a new book. this one is filled with wonderful intrigue and twists - plus it's written so well. 

self-confidence boost

sometimes when you're at your lowest, it's hard to remember you've got all the right things going for you. here's a great reminder. 


this ice cream

when all else fails, sometimes you just need ice cream. chocolate chip ice cream. make a big bowl, watch your favorite movie, and go back to bed. 

try working out

maybe a full trip to the gym is just too much. try this exercise schedule to elevate those endorphins and boost your strength. 

this look

casual and stylish. dressing can be hard when you're struggling with depression. throw this on, and get yourself doing something, like going to the farmers market, for a change of scenery and a mood lift.

Happy Fourth of July


Happy Birthday, America! 

Wishing you a happy and safe holiday. Xx.

Fourth of July Berry Dessert

What is 4th of July without a red, white, and blue treat?

This was originally posted last July 4th; we figure it's worth a repost. This weekend, we hope you celebrate America's birthday to the fullest. Go all out on parades, red, white, and blue, and yummy treats. Attending a party this weekend? Make this cheerful dessert. It definitely won't disappoint. 

This summer, especially for The Fourth, I wanted to create a tasty treat that satisfied my sweet tooth but didn't sit too heavy on my stomach. With that in mind, I snagged some fresh berries from the market, whipped up some coconut whipped cream, and layered them all together for a festive dessert. It's simple, I pulled it together in under 30 minutes, and it's absolutely delicious.

Pro tip: layer it in a clear glass to see the vibrant colors and top with a sprig of mint and some lemon zest.

Fourth of July Berry Dessert

Ingredients ::

+ blueberries
+ strawberries
+ 1 can of coconut milk (full fat)
+ 1 tsp cinnamon
+ 1 tsp vanilla extract
+ 1/4 lemon, juice
+ 1/4 - 1/2 cups coconut sugar (amount to taste)

Recipe ::

1. Place your can of coconut milk in the refrigerator and let sit 12 hours to overnight. This step separates the liquid and coconut meat. 

2. Remove your can from the fridge, flip it over, open it up, and scrape out the coconut meat into your mixing bowl. Set aside the liquid to be used in another recipe. 

3. Add the cinnamon, vanilla extract, lemon juice, and coconut sugar to the coconut in your mixing bowl. 

4. Whip until soft peaks are created. Place bowl in the refrigerator for 20 minutes to solidify more. 

5. When you're ready to plate, add a little bit of whipped cream to the bottom of your glass, top with a layer of blueberries, more whipped cream, a layer of strawberries, repeating until you get to the top.
6. Serve and enjoy! Makes at least four. 

+ What's your favorite festive dessert?

Tag @yourfriend_em on Twitter or Instagram when you make this berry dessert. Share this with people who could use some sweets in their lives. Hashtag #thegreatvibesguide to spread the Great Vibes! Xx.