Sugar Blues Check-In // registration open!

The Giving Up of Sugar ...

It’s been two weeks since I announced my giving up sugar for the remainder of October. To be honest, I don’t know how differently I feel. I can’t hold one factor, sugar, constant, and a lot of other things are happening in my life. But here’s why I've stuck with it: when I decided not to tempt myself with sugar for the remainder of the month, it was so I could get back to my body and my health.

Sugar is a drug, so I detoxed with what felt a lot like a hangover for a few days. With my permanent sweet tooth, I’m surprised I was able to give it all up (still eating fruit, though). I even have lollipops in my drawer that I’m not eating. And I feel proud. I feel in control. Sugar addictions are no joke, and it’s easy to feel out of control around the substance. We deny ourselves sugar, so that in turn only makes us want it more. Then we let ourselves have it, but knowing that we’ll restrict ourselves again, we binge binge binge on the sweetness of our treats.

I am no stranger to hiding out in the kitchen with, yet again, another slice of cake. That feeling like you're hiding out and scarfing down your guilty pleasure, hoping no one will come in and see you in your blissful shame. Maybe that resonates with you, or maybe that sounds silly, and of course, not everyone has that feeling in the world, but it doesn’t make the emotions that come with it any less. Some feelings that can come up from sugar addiction are: confusion, stress, shame, remorse, guilt, frustration.

It’s easy to feel out of control, throw your hands up in the air, and go home to hide, but those emotions listed above are no bueno. We need to be feeling strong, glowing, energetic, excited, and loved by the foods we’re putting in our body. If you feel like your cravings are out of control, you’re not alone. In fact, I’m right there with you. It’s a never-ending cycle and a movement towards greater understanding.

But guess what? I’ve taken all of the hard work out for you. If you want to understand why you’re constantly craving sweets and how to gain control without deprivation, you’re in the right place. Join me in October for The Sugar Blues Talk ... reserve your space today by clicking below!

P.S. Want easy recipes & tips for a vibrant glow
powered by greens style? Join the newsletter.

P.S.S. Be sure to tune into my snapchat (@efriend216) or
follow me on instagram or twitter (both @yourfriend_em)
for my adventures and foodie finds! x

Foods I Take to Wake: Third Edition

Spinach, Bananas, & Almond Milk

 Welcome back to Foods I Take to Wake. I’ve (Emily, here!) received a lot of questions around how I eat on campus and survive my days of being a gluten-free vegan without dying of lack of protein (doesn’t happen, folks) or only eating cardboard-flavored foods. I promise it’s not impossible. The food I eat is tasty, delicious, and absolutely INCREDIBLE. I love food, and I love sharing my passions with you. Every other week, I’ll be dishing out three of my go-to foods for everyday life, especially when I’m away at school. Let’s get to it!

Note: I am not affiliated with Trader Joe’s & as such, my words reflect my love for the product, for my health, & not at all about money. I must really love them…

P.S. Today’s foods are my favorite. Without them, I wouldn’t survive on campus. Seriously. As long as I have these three ingredients, I’m never hungry or nutrient deprived. See my training wheels smoothie to build the base!

P.S.S. If you haven't already, check out post I & post II.


Spinach blows my mind sometimes. Besides helping pregnant woman have enough folate in their diets, it’s a superfood with a lot of amazing benefits. It helps regulate blood sugar, can help with asthma, as been linked with cancer prevention, packs  a punch with vitamin K for strong bones, gives you healthy skin and hair, keeps you regular, and is packed with fiber, phosphorous, is a great source for non-heme iron, and is high in beta-carotene. Raise the roof! Woot woot. Okay, that’s lame. I’m still a foodie geek through and through.


B-a-n-a-n-a-s … had to go there. The whole banana is a magical entity, curing indigestion for some and acting as a shoe polish for others. The banana wears many hats. I’m serious about that polish trick. All jokes aside though, bananas are awesome. They help stimulate the growth of healthy bacteria in the body, while also helping to guard the sensitive lining of the stomach i.e. for ulcers. Bananas are full of fiber and help poor digestion. They control blood sugar and help stave off cravings. They’re great in smoothies, brownies, as ice cream splits, eaten with almond butter slathered on top, or baked with a little almond milk for a creamy sugar-craving elixir. They were my best friend when I was training for a half marathon, and they’re still #1 in my life helping me kick bad habits as well as not starve on campus. Love them!


Ahhhh Almond Beverage. How can I explain my feelings quite so productively. First of all, it ROCKs. Thank god Almond milk exists. Let me just celebrate Trader Joe’s though. Finally a non-dairy milk that isn’t chock full of quite so many impossible to pronounce ingredients. One day, I’ll be able to make my own almond milk, but until then, she’ll have to do and boy is she a star. Almond milk is the perfect liquid for my smoothies, it’s excellent as the base for my oatmeal, chia seed pudding, added for corn bread or used to dip cookies in. But why do we love almond milk? It packs 30% DV of calcium (vegan = not hard to get nutrients). It’s packed with vitamin E — hello, glow. It keeps your digestion on track, supports healthy blood sugar, and helps with muscle strength and restoration. You know how good chocolate milk is for you? It actually is I swear. Imagine cacao almond milk as being the best cure-all for recovering athletes, healthy adults, and women on lady’s holiday. Food for the win.

+ what are your favorite foods that you couldn’t live without? share below or on facebook!

Be sure to tune into my snapchat (@efriend216) or follow me on instagram or twitter (both @yourfriend_em) for my adventures and foodie finds! xx

Monday Quotes

+ How can you be more of yourself today? It’s easy to get caught up in trends, thought patterns, and the movements of others. But in all of that craziness, are you still being yourself? What makes you feel authentic, alive, and lit up? Take that perspective and live imperfectly and beautifully.

Be sure to tune into my snapchat (@efriend216) or
follow me on instagram (@yourfriend_em) for all
of my adventures and foodie finds! xx