Firday Finds ~ 8.29.14

Admittedly, I spent a lot of time working on the blog yesterday. That popcorn was good, huh? So much time that I had to go against my usual no-work-after-seven idea and was hitting the books until nine. Which was okay, because it was math and nutrition courses--my life felt more complete than it had before… a little weird but there you go-- but it kind of threw off my routine.

This week has been all around fantastic and crazy and frustrating. I started classes on Tuesday and they are absolutely amazing. I think it’s going to be a great semester. With my friends returning to campus, I was able to talk too much, rant a little, and not eat a la single. Mixed in there was this not-so-good feeling and I started to get frustrated without any particular reason, which only makes me more frustrated, because I like to know everything going on within my body. Anyone else get this way?

Anywayyy, I ended up with the sniffles and sneezes (hoping it’s not anything more than allergies) and I’ll probably be staying in, drinking tea, watching Netflix, playing with the blog, making notecards, taking pictures, and drawing all weekend.

How about you? Anyone have awesome weekend plans? Comment below :) …

By the way… I’m on Pinterest!!

I’m going to start posting my blog pictures on there, so feel free to follow me. xxoo.

And without further ado…


If you’re a vegan, arm yourself with answers for the inevitable But where do you get your protein from???!!!

I have always wanted freckles, so why I’m not sure why I didn’t start this trend first? A Cup of Jo has an awesome tutorial. Love Joanna.

Adult Content: For the Women Who Don’t Give a F*** --- this will forever be my go to inspiration. Not giving an eff doesn’t mean you don’t care; it means respecting and loving yourself enough to not be bothered by societal norms and pressures.

I just really want these yoga pants in orange… because my apparel consists of cozy sweaters, flowy shirts, yoga pants, and stretchy dresses and shorts. Can I get an OM?


I love you all so so so so so much. This weekend I’ll be posting a How-To post to kick off a monthly series! Think pencils and paper and thoughts…

Be happy, healthy, and healing, and life will set you free.



[pictures from linked sites, click on image, caption for website on next page]

Friday Finds ~ 8.22.14

Happy Happy Friday Loves!

I hope everyone has been enjoying the changes and shifts to A Beautiful Recovery… a lot of fun things are coming around the corner!

I’ve been at school since Sunday, being part of an amazing organization that works to prevent sexual assault and rape on campus. We have been planning First-Year orientation programs, and between all the running around, I’ve been working on some awesome stuff for all of you, my health coach training, and getting unpacked. The room definitely feels like home with some little things and pictures added. Thank goodness.

What exciting things have you been up to this summer/week? Comment below…

Here are some links to get you motivated for the weekend … Party Party Party!

Beautiful and easy peach sorbet.

Probably the best brunch party idea in existence.

An awesome, vegan couture line with the best T-shirts and sweatshirts ever. ever.

I started this trend before it was cool: One Earring. Hello awkward middle school years.

Wool Dryer Balls … you mean I wouldn’t have to buy dryer sheets ever again?

Because as summer winds down and we’re committed to classes or desks, we still want to travel, even if it’s only vicariously.

Find anything else worth mentioning? Comment below …


[images follow link order from left to right // click on image caption to directly jump]



Happy Weekend! My News!

It was so beautiful out the last few days and then today, so so so cold. Oh Mother Nature.

I’ve signed up for a 10k in Raleigh in June, so I’m psyched to start running again tomorrow. I am using the same training schedule that I used for the half marathon I ran in August, which was awesome, so I look forward to the wonderfully paced schedule already beautifully laid out for me. By May 10th, I will be able to run a 10k easily and comfortably which is so important for me, and then I thought I would just keep up with that distance and work on my time throughout the summer! I am so stoked. Coupled with my yoga practice, I’m looking forward to my stress free summer days.

These next three weeks are incredibly packed for me. What about you?  I have two papers this week, a paper due the following week, and after that, a presentation and another exam on the same day. But luckily, I’ll be home free after that: nothing until finals after that except a statistics project and a presentation! Woohoo. I’m actually looking forward to my finals! Isn’t that crazy. Of course in partial because that once they are done it will be summer, but moreover, I really understand what I am doing in class, so I’m hoping the exam reflects all that I have learned. I have summer and better days on my brain, and I cannot wait to get there. Right now I’m also working on job hunting so cross your fingers and toes for me…



This is my favorite yoga pose currently, and I’ve been doing at least once every day.

Isn’t this an interesting bra top? I’m loving the back.

Why doesn’t anyone like having parties anymore?

Oh my gosh, THIS is my new favorite website, and I admittedly bought the app.

Another best that I’ve already used for about five articles.

And finally, I just finished Brooklyn Girls and am thoroughly in love with Gemma Burgess’ style. Thank you for being a writer that recognizes the struggle of a young woman’s true heart.

That’s it lovelies!

I’m off to dinner and then some well needed sleep. What are your plans?


[image.. which is the absolute truth of my life]